Apple shaped Grandma B

Apple shaped Grandma B

I started my new year’s resolution to day and spent three hours in the gym.

It had to be done; I had to face the inevitable, I’m overweight, unfit and today was G DAY!

After attending the gym last year as a GP referral, I had taken out gym membership, but haven’t been back since November.  The New Year was going to be the start of the new me, but I always found an excuse not to go. 

My apple shaped, grandma body just kept on growing, every time I saw myself in the mirror I promised myself I was going to start again, next week!

I’ve started to feel really tired recently, especially when playing with Soli and when I was dancing with the children at work,  I got out of breath!

So it was up and out today, before I had chance to change my mind.  I was standing beside other ‘now or never’ people, wearing my Tesco gym gear and Merrell trainers (My trainers are really cool) at 8:30 this morning.  I think the sunshine had brought us all together, you always feel more motivated in warmer weather.  I had given up my beloved sofa and toast to exercise whilst watching breakfast TV and praying that I wouldn’t fly off the end of the treadmill.

I’ve always had a vision of gyms and the people who go there as being young, banana shaped, fashionable trendies, maintaining their perfect bodies.

They must have all been on exotic beach holidays or at work this morning because I didn’t spot one banana, just loads of very ripe apples and pears! No glam girlies or hench men for me to drool over (A tad disappointing that) so I didn’t feel inhibited and just went for it!

It was actually great seeing people like me, overweight, and at last doing something about it.  You don’t have to wear the latest fashion items, just loose fitting comfy clothes and trainers.  Make up?  No one cares, although I always feel better with some on, but by the end of the session it had slid into my trainers!   The good thing is that you can still have your telly fix and keep fit at the same time.

Yes! Three hours in the gym and I feel totally knackered.

I’ve stopped being in denial and realise that it is time for this 61 year old grandma to cut down on sugar and exercise more.

Eat more apples to get rid of my apple shape😮

 There's a lot of sugar in wine, so I guess I'll be drinking more coffee!😢

 I've heard that wine and treadmills don't go together 💙 🌝


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